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Wrasslin Wednesday Polish Power Ivan Putski Legends of Wrestling Figure

Its Wrasslin Wednesday and this time we hearken to my Polish Heritage and feature the Legends of Professional Wrestling Series 4 figure of Ivan Putski. This figure was produced by Figures Toy Co. and sold by the Wrestling Superstore in 1999. There were three versions of the Polish Power made; a regular, plain wrestler in tights, a "bloody" version and this one with the Polish Power ring shirt.

The card art is nice ! Cool picture of Mr. Putski looming over the shoulder of his figure !!

The figure is good, but not great. They reused a lot of molds and repainted them so the figure is in a "claw" pose more suited for Killer Kowalski. The paint apps are nice though, and the ring shirt looks well made. The figure does display well.
The back of the card is nice. Its done well and has a short bio of Ivan's career. There was a lot of attention to detail with the card and it shows off well. As a display piece, it does it's job well.

Ivan Putski's best days were behind him by the time I was getting into wrestling as a kid. His legend lived on in my household though. Being of Polish heritage and my Grandfather being an absolute Wrestling Mark back then, there was a lot of pretending to be Ivan by me and my brothers. Singing "Roll out the Barrel" before matches and doing the classic Putski flex was a signature move before we would start to fight !! How many times I fell before the Polish Hammer ..... I'm a lot younger than my brothers, so needless to say, I took the brunt of the action :)

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