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And what would happen if a time machine was created?  Would you go back in time to fix all the mistakes you made in life?  Would you go back in time and not only erase your sworn arch enemy from existence, but also erase from existence everybody in his family tree dating all the way back to the caveman era of prehistoric Earth?  Of course doing so would be considered overkill.  It would be much easier to sue your sworn arch enemy for damages.  Or if you truly felt the need for revenge against your sworn arch enemy, you could always telephone the police.  Or you could use the time machine to make peace with your sworn arch enemy.  Of course, you need to make sure that you actually have a sworn arch enemy.  If you're calling somebody your sworn arch enemy and the person you thought of as your enemy never thought of you as his/her sworn enemy at all at any point of time, then you got an awkward situation to explain away.  And to be honest, a time machine has yet to be invented.  And probably it's just as well that time travel machines has yet to be invented.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Autumn in the wonderful state of Maine here are some photos of the following individuals.
Chloe Sevigny

 Claire Foy

 Claire Foy and Ryan Gosling

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