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Witchy? Poo.

It is always an utterly weird feeling after the clocks change. In Spring you lose an hour and spend ages feeling jet-lagged, but in Autumn it's the opposite - at the moment the morning feels OK because we've been able to catch up on sleep, but anything after about 3pm is darkness... Either way, it doesn't change the fact that our precious weekend has disappeared in a flash, and it's time to open that sodding work laptop again!

With Hallowe'en looming, I thought I might have found something suitably spooky to start the week off with a bit of a buzz. Instead, on this Tacky Music Monday I have stumbled across this "masterpiece" called Salem's Witch that seems to have nothing to do with anything witchy or scary at all - but it is indeed truly tacky!

I say "nothing scary", but whatever those boys have in their trousers might startle one if caught unawares, methinks...

Have a good week, dear reader.

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