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Manicure and memories

This is my manicure of the moment. Essie's Go Overboard with a top coat of Out The Door's Northern Lights (a light, subtle sparkle).

This weekend was full of fond memories shared in honor of my Grandpa Gordon's passing. Mourning is an interesting thing, I believe this may be the first time the mourning has been so difficult. Bouts of sadness just come at totally unexpected times and it is a lot harder to enjoy things while trying to come to grips with the loss. Anyway I will forever admire my Grandpa as it was his illustrious life and career that have always made such and impression on me and kept me striving to achieve more in my life. One thing Gordon did was live his life to the fullest, right down to his last day. He never stopped learning and definitely instilled that in me. Thank you for sharing your life and love with me Grandpa Gordon, I will forever miss you.

Also this weekend I went to the Sharks game with my mom and brother and that was very fun because my mom had not seen the Sharks at the Tank before, and they won in an overtime shootout – so that was really fun for her to see.

Unfortunately I did not get to see Cathy and Chris (Mike's sister and bro-in-law) this weekend as originally planned, which is sad because I really miss them. Thankfully they were very understanding about having to cancel the weekend and I look forward to seeing them (and Cathy's preggo belly) in April!

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