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Blush It - Dance Legend Collection SUN shine #194 UV colour change

I was looking at this polish in my stash, wondering why I picked up a creme glitter from Dance Legend out of all the many interesting polishes that they stock...

[Delicious cupcake]
...then I realised that this is from their SUN shine collection which is a range of polishes that change colour in response to UV light! That deep pink/purple spot on the polish bottle is where I briefly shone a UV light on the polish bottle!

[2 coats: Dance Legend SUN shine collection #194 (no UV)]
This one is #194 and it's a really sweet happy polish - like a strawberry cream cupcake with hundreds and thousands! I really liked this colour combination. In the absence of UV light, the base is actually almost grey-white. It slowly darkens to a pinkish purple as the amount of UV exposure increases.

[2 coats: Dance Legend SUN shine collection #194 (no UV)]
There are three different sizes of hex glitter in the polish in many shades - gold, blue, magenta, orangey-red. I used two coats here and the glitter density is great, no need to fish around to pick up all the glitter bits!

[2 coats: Dance Legend SUN shine collection #194 (UV on left; no UV on right)]
Here's the colour after I shone a UV torch on two nails. This polish changes colour really quickly! You only need to be in (or out) of the sun for 10 seconds or so (depending on light intensity of course) to get the full colour change.

[2 coats: Dance Legend SUN shine collection #194 (direct sun)]
Check it out! Isn't it an amazing contrast in full sun? I'm pretty impressed with this UV colour change polish!

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