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Week 426: A Storm is Coming

Weekly Written Review 

In less than two months 2018 will be over and I've already begun planning for the new year. My newest headshot photo shoot is out of the way and I'm ahead of the game. All I got to do is a few things here and there and I can coast through the remainder of the year. Smooth cruising right? Ha! That's what I thought. On Monday I got an audition notice that stunned me. My mind is so far ahead in 2019 I wasn't expecting any more auditions this year. I had to rewind and regroup. I immediately realized there's something odd about this audition. I was requested to read for a dramatic character on an upcoming show on OWN (David Makes Man). Most of my roles/auditions are comedic! I began asking myself, "why do they want me for a dramatic role!?" I never quite figured out why but I did realize 2018 is far from over and there's a storm coming. Yes, The Storm of Greatness!

When the audition came in, I was doing background work on the Netflix show Family Reunion again. I was scheduled for a two-day shoot. At first, I was concerned with a conflict. When I realized I was clear, I started focusing on the game plan. It's a self-tape audition. I've cheated in the vast majority of my self-tapes. Meaning I took shortcuts. Self-tapes generally require two people. The actor and the reader. I've been doing both. My process included recording my own voice of the other character and me responding to the playback of my voice in front of the camera while reacting to it. I did this mainly because I'm not a fan of inconveniencing people. I completed several auditions like this for a long time but let's face it, that's not a quality audition. I can't determine whether or not this is the reason I didn't book previous roles but it's certainly doesn't allow me to give me best. Giving my best requires a connection with a real person. This epiphany sounds like an action I would typically start at the beginning of the year but the sign of this storm is strong. I don't know what the future holds but the future obviously requires me to change up my strategy now.

In what seems near to an instant, I abolished the creation of tacky audition tapes from my presentation. A vision confirmed that it's time to upgrade my process with a team. Over the past few months, I've met a handful of good people (via a relatively popular app...) and with them in mind, I got an idea. I made some phone calls and told them about the storm. They agreed and behold I formed a new team. For the first time in my quest, I have a team of readers I call upon to assist me with my self-tapes auditions. I've built a lot of teams over the years but I've never acquired a team like this before. This is an absolute gem. It's a potential game changer. Readers combined with new headshots! 2019 better watch out.

I completed my self-tape audition on Wednesday with my reader and it a refreshing change of pace. She arrived before 9am and we finished around 2pm. It was a tough audition. I had a lot to memorize plus it was an intense dramatic role. There's a lot of excitement around this role because of the people involved (Michael B. Jordan and Phylicia Rashad) and the show is shot in Orlando, FL. That's less than an hour away from my hometown. Not to mention its a recurring role. Generally, I'm pleasured with the upgrades I've made to my audition. I even added an additional light for brighter illumination. As far as my performance, it probably didn't get the cake. I'm not being negative, I'm being honest. I got better with each take but I completed it knowing there was something missing. Heavy contemplation and a free SAG-AFTRA workshop on Friday helped me realized why I probably won't book the part. I didn't have fun with the role. I submitted too much of what was on the script with not enough of my personality. If they chose me to submit for this role it's probably because the character might have a sense of humor. I don't know why they chose me but I do know I focused too much on the drama. I didn't have any fun with the process. Nonetheless, building my team and making these changes adjusted my mindset and approach for the next audition.  This auditioned opened my eyes in an imperatively necessary way.

Considering all the hate I've written about the audition process on this blog over the years what I'm about to write is a bit blasphemous. For the first time in my odyssey, I'm actually excited about my next audition. Yes, that sounds crazy but I can see clearer now. It's starting to make sense. I'm figuring out ways to inject the trueness of personality into my auditions. I'm ready to have fun with the next ticket. I'm going to break it down the next character and build it up with my certified seal. Most importantly, I got a mighty arsenal of new tools. I have a great team of readers, new headshots in the oven and I'm starting to signup for every SAG-AFTRA workshop my schedule allows me to. I'm stretching myself to my full potential. Let The Storm of Greatness Rain on me!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

* Tennis...with She...

Monday, November 12, 2018

* Family Reunion background work

* Audition notice. It's a big one...I was surprised

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

* Familly Reunion background work

* Script rehearsing

* Another audition notice, wow!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

* Self-audition for David Made Man. With my reader She... Started after 8am and finished around 2pm.

* After the self-tape- I had to run to a 2:45pm audition for an FX show

* Langston's Black Partners and Corporate Counsel Reception. Set up, registration and breakdown.

* Hulu Cancellation

Thursday, November 15, 2018

* Basketball...

* Langston's Skidrow Marathon Movie screening...Helped out with set up and photography.

Friday, November 16, 2018

* How to Win a Series Lead Before It Goes to Casting. SAG series workshop.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

* Wiki rejection...

* Basketball...makeup day

* Declined an audition/wasn't interested in their perpetuity clause.

* SAG Film Society screening of The Front Runner Accompanied by Jeff. Followed by a Q&A with Hugh Jackman.

* Food 4 Less run/Panda Express

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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